Thursday, November 5, 2009

Going Green Tips For Home

With so much talk about saving the planet we all need some going green tips for home. You may have wondered what 'going green" exactly that means.  For most people it simply means making small changes in their routine so they don't use, or waste, as much.

There are many things you can do to help out the environment.  Many of them will save you money too.  There are many things big and small that can help.  Just pick out a few things and get started.

Here are some going green tips for home:

1. Things like cutting out disposable products. 

If you think about it, there really is no such thing as disposable.  Those disposable water bottles, or paper plates are still sitting in a landfill somewhere taking up space.

Instead of relying on disposable products, concentrate on reusing products.  You will save a lot of money in the long run if you invest in a home water filtration system and a reusable water bottle. 

Another simple way to save is to get reusable plastic containers for your kid's lunches instead of using plastic bags.

2. Another great place to save is in your car. 

First of all, try to drive less.  Whenever possible combine errands so you can limit the total number of trips you make.  Also make sure your car is tuned up and that your tires are properly inflated.

3. Generate your own clean renewable energy.

One of the biggest things you can do to cut back on your energy consumption is by generating your own clean, renewable energy like wind energy.

You can easily build your own wind turbine for very little money, yet the savings can be as high as 80% on your utility bills.

Use these simple going green tips for home, or come up with your own, and start going green now.  It's much better for the planet and it's much better for your bottom line.

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